खुलकर सीखें के इस ब्लॉगपोस्ट The Last Lesson Class 12 Question Answer Up Board में हम Up Board Class 12 NCERT English Flamingo Prose Chapter 1 के Questions and Answers पर विस्तार से चर्चा करेंगे।
सबसे पहले हम The Last Lesson Class 12 के सभी Reference to the Context के Questions & Answers और फिर Short Answer Type Questions फिर Long Answer Type Questions उसके बाद MCQs और फिर Difficult Words के Word Meaning का अध्ययन करेंगे।
अंत में हम इस चैप्टर The Last Lesson Class 12 के Important Questions का भी चर्चा करेंगे जोकि Up Board Class 12 के NCERT Based English Book के आधार पर होगा।
The Last Lesson Class 12 Question Answer Up Board
तो यार! ये पोस्ट Class 12 NCERT English Flamingo Prose Chapter 1 ka full Solution या फिर यूँ कहें कि The Last Lesson Class 12 ka Full Solution होने वाला है इसलिए इसे पूरा ध्यान से जरूर पढ़ें। लेकिन The Last Lesson Question Answer Up Board देखने से पहले मैं चाहूँगा कि आप पहले The Last Lesson ka Hindi Summary जरूर पढ़ लें ताकि इसके प्रश्नोत्तर समझने में आपको आसानी हो।
परीक्षोपयोगी प्रश्न
The Last Lesson Class 12 Reference to Context
तो चलिए The Last Lesson Class 12 Reference to Context Questions के साथ Solution आरम्भ करते हैं। नीचे इस चैप्टर के Exam Oriented Questions में दिए गए सभी Paragraph के Reference to the Context Questions Answers दिए गए हैं। ये सभी Passage, Up Board Class 12 के NCERT Based English Book से लिए गए हैं।
[A] Explanations
Explain with reference to the context of the following passages:
Explanation: In this passage, the author Alphonse Daudet sets the initial atmosphere of tension and anticipation as the protagonist passes by the town hall. The bulletin board has been a source of bad news in the past, often related to war and military matters. The protagonist’s fast pace indicates a sense of urgency and concern, as they are curious about the latest update but also wary of potentially negative information. The presence of a crowd adds to the suspense, suggesting that something significant has been posted on the bulletin board. The blacksmith, Wachter, tries to reassure the protagonist, calling out not to rush as there is still enough time to reach school.
This interaction hints at the upcoming shift in the narrative, where the bulletin will hold personal significance for the protagonist beyond the usual news of war and military affairs. The passage serves as an introduction to the setting and the protagonist’s state of mind, preparing the reader for the subsequent events that unfold in the chapter.
Explanation: In this passage, the author sets the contrast between the usual bustling and noisy start of a school day and the unusual silence that prevails on this particular day. The protagonist notes that normally, there would be a lot of activity and noise with desks opening and closing, lessons being recited loudly, and the teacher’s ruler rapping on the table. However, on this day, everything is quiet, resembling a Sunday morning. The protagonist had hoped to slip into the classroom unnoticed amidst the usual commotion, but the unexpected silence makes their entrance more noticeable. The protagonist sees their classmates already seated, and the teacher, M. Hamel, pacing with his ruler. The prospect of being the center of attention causes the protagonist to feel embarrassed and frightened.
This passage helps to build a sense of anticipation and tension as the protagonist prepares to confront the significance of the day’s lesson, which turns out to be the last French lesson due to the imposition of German language instruction. It also highlights the impact of silence and the absence of familiar sounds, creating a solemn and uneasy atmosphere in the classroom.
Explanation: The passage reflects the protagonist’s sudden realization of the significance of their education and the regret for not taking it seriously before. The protagonist laments their lack of knowledge, feeling that they hardly knew how to write and fearing that they would never learn any more. They express remorse for wasting time on activities like seeking birds’ eggs and sliding on the Saar instead of dedicating themselves to their studies. The books that once seemed burdensome and the subjects like grammar and history of the saints, which were previously seen as nuisances, now hold value and importance for the protagonist. The impending departure of M. Hamel, the teacher, adds to the sense of loss and regret. The protagonist realizes that they will never have the opportunity to learn from him again, making them forget about the strict disciplinary methods employed by M. Hamel, such as using a ruler.
This passage captures the transformation in the protagonist’s attitude towards education, highlighting the realization of its worth and the regret for not appreciating it earlier. It underscores the theme of the importance of education, language, and the role of dedicated teachers in shaping one’s understanding and perspective.
Explanation: In this passage, M. Hamel, the teacher, addresses the students and acknowledges their lack of commitment to learning. He criticizes the parents for prioritizing work over education, opting to have their children work on farms or in mills to earn more money. M. Hamel also acknowledges his own role in contributing to the student’s lack of focus on their studies. He admits that he had sent them on errands like watering his flowers or granted them holidays when he wanted to go fishing.
The passage highlights the collective responsibility of parents, teachers, and students themselves in the education process. It emphasizes the importance of parental involvement, teacher commitment, and student responsibility in fostering a conducive learning environment.
Explanation: In this passage, the focus shifts to the final moments of the French lesson. Despite the impending departure and the significance of the occasion, M. Hamel demonstrates his dedication and courage by continuing to teach until the very end. After the writing lesson, a history lesson follows. Meanwhile, the younger students chant the alphabet. Old Hauser, a senior student who had struggled with learning, puts on his spectacles and holds his primer with both hands to follow along. It becomes apparent that Hauser, too, is overcome with emotion, as his voice trembles while spelling out the letters. The combination of the emotions and the poignant funny evokes mixed feelings in the students, causing them to both want to laugh and cry. The protagonist recalls this memorable and emotional experience that will forever remain ingrained in their memory.
The Last Lesson Class 12 Short Answer Type Questions
स्टूडेंट नीचे The Last Lesson Class 12 Short Answer या फिर यूँ कहें की The Last Lesson Short Question Answer दिया गया है। ये सभी Short Answer Type Questions, Up Board Class 12 के NCERT Based English Book से लिए गए हैं।
[B] Short Answer Type Questions
Q.1. What was the bulletin-board? How was it important? (बुलेटिन बोर्ड क्या था? वह कैसे महत्त्वपूर्ण था?)
Ans. The bulletin-board was a notice board located in front of the town hall. It was important because it served as a source of news and updates for the townspeople. (बुलेटिन-बोर्ड टाउन हॉल के सामने स्थित एक नोटिस बोर्ड था। यह महत्वपूर्ण था क्योंकि यह शहरवासियों के लिए समाचार और अपडेट के स्रोत के रूप में कार्य करता था।)
Q.2. What did M. Hamel say when Franz reached to the school? (एम. हेमल ने क्या कहा जब फ्रेन्ज स्कूल पहुँचा?)
Ans. When Franz reached the schoo, M. Hamel said, “You’re late, little Franz. Go to your place quickly; we were just going to begin without you.” (जब फ्रांज़ स्कूल पहुंचा, तो एम. हेमल ने कहा, “तुम देर से आए, नन्हे फ्रांज़। जल्दी से अपने स्थान पर जाओ; हम तुम्हारे बिना ही शुरू करने वाले थे।”)
Q.3. What did M. Hamel speak first in the class that day about the last lesson? (उस दिन एम. हेमल ने पहली बार कक्षा में आखिरी पाठ के बारे में क्या बोला?)
Ans. The first thing M. Hamel said in class that day about the last lesson was ‘My children, this is the last lesson I will teach you.’ (उस दिन कक्षा में एम. हैमेल ने आखिरी पाठ के बारे में सबसे पहले क्या बोला की ‘मेरे बच्चों, यह अन्तिम पाठ है जो मैं तुम्हें पढ़ाऊँगा।’)
Q.4. What did Franz think after hearing about the last lesson? (आखिरी पाठ के बारे में सुनने के बाद फ्रेन्ज ने क्या सोचा?)
Ans. After hearing about the last lesson Franz thought about how he had hardly learned anything in French. He regretted not taking his lessons seriously and realized that he would never be able to learn anymore. (आखिरी पाठ के बारे में सुनने के बाद फ्रांज़ ने सोचा कि कैसे उसने फ्रेंच में शायद ही कुछ सीखा हो। उसने अपने पाठों को गंभीरता से न लेने का खेद व्यक्त किया और महसूस किया कि वह अब कभी भी नहीं सीख पाएगा।)
Q.5. Did Franz recite the participles? How? (क्या फ्रेन्ज ने पार्टीसिपल (कृदंत) को दोहराया? कैसे?)
Ans. No, Franz did not recite the participle. He got mixed up on the first words and stood there holding on to his desk. (नहीं, फ्रांज़ ने कृदंत का पाठ नहीं किया। वह पहले शब्दों में उलझ गया और अपनी मेज को पकड़ कर वहीं खड़ा हो गया।)
Q.6. Whom did M. Hamel blame for the ignorance in studies? Why? (एम. हेमल ने पढ़ाई को नजरअंदाज करने के लिए किसको आरोपित किया? क्यों?)
Ans. M. Hamel blamed the students, their parents and himself for the ignorance in studies as they were all responsible for it in different ways. (एम. हैमेल ने पढ़ाई को नजरअंदाज करने के लिए छात्रों, उनके माता-पिता और खुद को दोषी ठहराया क्योंकि वे सभी अलग-अलग कारण से इसके लिए जिम्मेदार थे।)
Q.7. What did M. Hamel say about the language and its importance? (एम. हैमल ने भाषा और उसके महत्त्व के बारे में क्या कहा?)
Ans. M. Hamel said about the language and its importance that French is the most beautiful language in the world. It is the clearest and the most logical language. We must guard it among us and never forget it. (एम. हैमेल ने भाषा और उसके महत्व के बारे में कहा कि फ्रेंच दुनिया की सबसे खूबसूरत भाषा है। यह सबसे स्पष्ट और सबसे तार्किक भाषा है। हमें इसे अपने बीच सुरक्षित रखना है और इसे कभी नहीं भूलना है।)
Q.8. What did Franz think about the pigeons? Why? (फ्रेन्ज ने कबूतरों के बारे में क्या सोचा? क्यों?)
Ans. Franz thought about the pigeons whether he would force them to sing in German. He thought so because they were cooeing softly on the roof. (फ्रेन्ज ने कबूतरों के बारे में सोचा की क्या वे इन्हें भी जर्मन भाषा में गाने के लिए मजबूर करेंगे। उसने ऐसा इसलिए सोचा क्योंकि वे छत पर धीरे-धीरे गुटरगूँ कर रहे थे।)
Q.9. What did M. Hamel observe there at last? (आखिरी में एम. हेमल ने वहाँ क्या गौर किया?)
Ans. At last, M Hamel observed all things of that little school room as if he wanted to fix all things in his mind. (अंत में, एम हेमेल ने उस छोटे से स्कूल के कमरे की सभी चीजों को देखा जैसे कि वह अपने दिमाग में सभी चीजों को अंकित करना चाहते हों।)
Q.10. What happened when church-clock struck twelve? (क्या हुआ जब चर्च की घड़ी ने बारह बजाए?)
Ans. When the church clock struck twelve, the Angelus was said, then the school was dismissed. (जब चर्च की घड़ी में बारह बज गए, तो Angelus नामक प्रार्थना हुई फिर स्कूल का छुट्टी हो गया।)
All Chapters Solutions of Class 12th English Up Board
The Last Lesson Class 12 Long Answer Type Questions
स्टूडेंट नीचे The Last Lesson Class 12 Long Questions या फिर यूँ कहें की The Last Lesson Long Question Answer दिया गया है। ये सभी Long Answer Type Questions, Up Board Class 12 के NCERT Based English Book से लिए गए हैं।
[C] Long Answer Type Questions
Q.1. Why was Franz running towards school that day? What did he notice during the way? (फ्रेन्ज उस दिन स्कूल की तरफ क्यों भागा जा रहा था? रास्ते में उसने क्या गौर किया?)
Ans. Franz was running towards school that day because he was late. During the way, he noticed a crowd gathered around the bulletin-board in front of the town hall, where important news and announcements were typically posted. (फ्रांज़ उस दिन स्कूल की ओर भाग रहा था क्योंकि उसे देर हो गई थी। रास्ते में, उन्होंने देखा कि टाउन हॉल के सामने बुलेटिन-बोर्ड के चारों ओर भीड़ जमा हो गई है, जहाँ आम तौर पर महत्वपूर्ण समाचार और घोषणाएँ पोस्ट की जाती हैं।)
Q.2. What was the scene inside the class when Franz reached the school? (जब फ्रेन्ज स्कूल पहुँचा तब कक्षा के अन्दर क्या दृश्य था?)
Ans. When Franz reached the school, he noticed that the usual bustling and noise inside the classroom were absent. Everything was unusually quiet, resembling a Sunday morning. His classmates already sat in their places, and his teacher M. Hamel, pacing around the classroom with his ruler under his arm. (जब फ्रांज़ स्कूल पहुँचा, तो उसने देखा कि कक्षा के अंदर सामान्य हलचल और शोर गायब था। सब कुछ असामान्य रूप से शांत था, मानो रविवार की सुबह हो। उसके सहपाठी पहले से ही अपने स्थान पर बैठे हुए थे, और उसके शिक्षक एम. हैमेल, अपने छड़ी को अपनी बांह में लिए कक्षा में इधर-उधर टहल रहे थे।)
Q.3. How did the announcement of the last lesson affect Franz? (आखिरी पाठ की घोषणा ने फ्रेन्ज पर कैसे प्रभाव डाला?)
Ans. The announcement of the last lesson evoked a range of emotions in Franz, including remorse, appreciation, and a deepening understanding of the value of education. This news made Franz reflect on his lack of dedication and the time he had wasted on other activities. He felt regret and sadness upon realizing that he had hardly learned anything in French. He became aware of the missed opportunities and the importance of education. His initial fear and dislike of M. Hamel were replaced by a sense of respect and nostalgia. (अन्तिम पाठ की घोषणा ने फ्रांज़ में कई तरह की भावनाओं को जगाया, जिसमें पश्चाताप, प्रशंसा और शिक्षा के मूल्य की गहरी समझ शामिल थी। इस खबर ने फ्रांज़ को अपने समर्पण की कमी और अन्य गतिविधियों पर बर्बाद किए गए समय के बारे में सोचने पर मजबूर कर दिया। उसे यह जानकर खेद और दुख हुआ कि उसने फ्रेंच में शायद ही कुछ सीखा हो। उसे छूटे हुए अवसरों और शिक्षा के महत्व के बारे में पता चला। एम. हैमेल के प्रति उसके शुरुआती डर और नापसंदगी की जगह सम्मान और पुरानी यादों ने ले ली।)
Q.4. In which way did M. Hamel blame himself and others for the negligence of the study of French language? (एम. हेमल ने स्वयं को व दूसरों को फ्रेन्च भाषा के अध्ययन में नजरअंदाजी करने के लिए कैसे आरोपित किया?)
Ans. M. Hamel blamed both himself and others for the negligence of the study of the French language. He acknowledged his own role in the students’ lack of progress and understanding. He admitted that he had sent the students on errands or allowed them to have holidays for his personal interests. Furthermore,He also criticized the parents for not prioritizing their children’s education. He blamed parents for being more concerned about having their children work on farms or in mills to earn money. (एम. हैमेल ने फ्रांसीसी भाषा के अध्ययन में लापरवाही के लिए खुद को और दूसरों को दोषी ठहराया। उन्होंने छात्रों की प्रगति और समझ की कमी में अपनी भूमिका को स्वीकार किया। उन्होंने स्वीकार किया कि उन्होंने छात्रों को कामों के लिए भेजा था या उन्हें अपने व्यक्तिगत हितों के लिए छुट्टियों की अनुमति दी थी। इसके अलावा, उन्होंने अपने बच्चों की शिक्षा को प्राथमिकता नहीं देने के लिए माता-पिता की भी आलोचना की। उन्होंने माता-पिता को पैसे कमाने के लिए अपने बच्चों को खेतों या मिलों में काम करने के बारे में अधिक चिंतित होने के लिए दोषी ठहराया।)
Q.5. What happened at last? How did M. Hamel last the class? (अन्त में क्या हुआ? एम. हेमल ने किस प्रकार कक्षा का अन्त किया?)
Ans. At the last, M Hamel stood up to say farewell to his students and the townspeople, but poignant emotions chocked his voice. Then, he wrote ‘Vive La France!’ at the blackboard as large as he could wrote; and dismissed the class with a gesture of his hand. (अंत में, एम हेमल अपने छात्रों और शहरवासियों को अलविदा कहने के लिए खड़े हुए, लेकिन मार्मिक भावनाओं ने उनके आवाज़ को दबा दिया। फिर जितना बड़ा वह लिख सकते थे, उन्होंने ब्लैकबोर्ड पर ‘विवे ला फ़्रांस!’ लिखा; और हाथ के इशारे से क्लास को विदा किया।)
The Last Lesson Class 12 MCQs
नीचे The Last Lesson Class 12 MCQ या फिर यूँ कहें की The Last Lesson Multiple Choice Questions दिया गया है। ये सभी MCQs, Up Board Class 12 के NCERT Based English Book से लिए गए हैं। सही उत्तर को Bold italic कर दिया गया है।
Q.1. Franz was in a great dread of scolding because M. Hamel had said that he would question them on……
(i) infinitives
(ii) participles
(iii) articles
(iv) pronoun
Q.2. M. Hamel was wearing his green coat which he only wore on………..days.
(i) prize
(ii) inspection
(iii) special
(iv) All of the above
Q.3. M. Hamel mounted his chair and said, “My children, this is the……..lesson I shall give you.
(i) first
(ii) best
(iii) only
(iv) last
Q.4. The old men were sitting in the back of the class and it was their way of thanking their master for his………years of faithful service.
(i) 14
(ii) 20
(iii) 30
(iv) 40
Q.5. Their parents preferred to put them to work on a farm or at the………., so as to have a little more money.
(i) factories
(ii) companies
(iii) shops
(iv) mills
Q.6. When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the………to their prison.
(i) exit
(ii) way
(iii) key
(iv) gate
Q.7. On the……the pigeons cooed very low.
(i) roof
(ii) wall
(iii) gate
(iv) tin
Q.8. Whenever I looked up from my writing I saw M. Hamel sitting…….in his chair.
(i) silent
(ii) happy
(iii) sad
(iv) motionless
Q.9. After the writing, we had a lesson in……….
(i) English
(ii) History
(iii) French
(iv) German
Q.10. M. Hamel stood up, very…….., in his chair.
(i) lean
(ii) thin
(iii) pallet
(iv) weak
The Last Lesson Difficult Words Meaning
नीचे The Last Lesson Word Meaning या फिर यूँ कहें की The Last Lesson Class 12 Difficult Words दिया गया है। ये सभी Glossary या फिर Word Meaning, Up Board Class 12 के NCERT Based English Book से लिए गए हैं।
Words | Meanings |
Scolding | Chiding (डाँट) |
Chirp | Make happy sound (चहचहाना) |
Edge | Boundary (किनारा) |
Woods | Forest (जंगल) |
In front of | Before (सामने) |
Bulletin board | Notice board (सूचना-पट्ट) |
Lost battles | Final war (अन्तिम युद्ध) |
Out of breath | Panting (हाँफते हुए) |
Bustle | Hurried movement (अफरा-तफरी) |
Unison | Together (समवेत स्वर में) |
Rapping | Knocking (खटखटाते हुए) |
Fright | Fear (भय) |
Frilled | Ruffled (झालरदार) |
Except | Not including (सिवाय) |
Seemed | Appeared (दिखाई दिया) |
Wondering | Thinking (विचार कर रहा) |
Mounted | Sat (बैठ गए) |
Grave | Sober (गंभीर) |
Tone | Way of speaking (अंदाज) |
Faithful | Sincere (ईमानदार) |
Recite | To speak loudly (बोलकर सुनाना) |
Mixed up | Confused (ऊलझ गया) |
Hald | Catch (पकड़ना) |
Scold | Rebuke (डाँटना) |
Plenty | A lot of (बहुत अधिक) |
Put off | Postpone (स्थगित करना) |
Pretend | Show off (दिखावा करना) |
Anxious | Eager (उत्सुक ) |
Logical | Rational (तर्कसंगत) |
Guard | Protect (सुरक्षा करना) |
Are enslaved | Made slave (दास बना लिए जाते हैं) |
Patience | Ability to wait (धैर्य) |
Floating | Moving around (तैर रहे) |
Rod | Bar (छड़) |
Quit | Noiseless (शांत) |
Scratching | Roughen (रगड़) |
Gazing | Looking (देखते हुए) |
Walnut | A dry fruit (अखरोट) |
Trunks | Boxes (संदूकें) |
Trembled | Shock (काँप गया) |
Struck | Triggered (बजाए) |
Chocked | Blocked (अवरूद्ध कर दिया) |
Dismissed | Over (समाप्त) |
The Last Lesson Class 12 Important Question Answer Up Board
नीचे इस चैप्टर यानी The Last Lesson Class 12 के कुछ Important Questions दिए गए हैं जिन्हें आप Exam के Point of View से महत्वपुर्ण मान सकते हैं। ये सभी प्रश्न Up Board NCERT Based English Book से हैं अतः आप इन सभी Questions को अपने बुक में आसानी से देख सकते है और इनके Answers को इसी पेज पर ऊपर अलग-अलग सेक्शन में दिया गया है।
The Last Lesson Important Passage
The Last Lesson Important Short Answer Type Questions
Q.1. What was the bulletin-board? How was it important?
Q.3. What did M. Hamel speak first in the class that day about the last lesson?
Q.7. What did M. Hamel say about the language and its importance?
Q.10. What happened when church-clock struck twelve?
The Last Lesson Important Long Answer Type Questions
Q.1. Why was Franz running towards school that day? What did he notice during the way?
Q.3. How did the announcement of the last lesson affect Franz?
The Last Lesson Other Important Questions
बेहतर होगा कि आप ऊपर दिए गए सभी MCQs, Words Meaning इत्यादि को अच्छी तरह से पढ़ लें। अगर आप इस कहानी को अच्छे से समझे होंगे स्टूडेंट्स तो आपको इन सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर जानने में कोई भी दिक्कत नहीं होगा; और तो और आपको इस चैप्टर The Last Lesson Class 12 के प्रश्नों का उत्तर जानने में भी काफी हेल्प मिलेगी। इसीलिए मैं आपको फिर से याद दिला दूँ कि इस कहानी को अच्छे से समझने के लिए आप The Last Lesson Class 12 ka Summary जरूर पढ़ें।
Who is the speaker in The Last Lesson?
In The Last Lesson, a little boy named Franz is the speaker.
What are the main characters of The Last Lesson?
The main characters of The Last Lesson are Franz, M. Hamel and Old Hauser.
Chapter 2 class 12th english question answer
Thank you so much sir 😊😊😊
I am always obliged to you.
Now I feel something better.
Thanks sir,