खुलकर सीखें के इस ब्लॉगपोस्ट Unseen Passage for Class 10 में हम Class 10 english grammar chapter 1 यानि Unseen Passages का विस्तार से चर्चा करेंगे। ये चैप्टर Class 10th English Grammar का पहला चैप्टर है जोकि आपके बुक General English के Reading Section के अंतर्गत आता है।
स्टूडेंट Unseen Passage अपने आप में एक बहुत बड़ा टॉपिक है जो Class 10th और Class 12th के बोर्ड परीक्षा में तो पूछा ही जाता है इसके साथ ही कई सारे प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में भी Unseen Passage से प्रश्न पूछा जाता है। लेकिन, क्योंकि ये पोस्ट बोर्ड परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे Class 10th के विद्यार्थियों के लिए लिखा जा रहा है; इसलिए इस ब्लॉगपोस्ट Unseen Passage for Class 10 में हम केवल कक्षा 10 के Unseen Passage के पाठ्यक्रम पर ही चर्चा करेंगे।
इस पोस्ट Unseen Passage for Class 10 के अंतर्गत हम सबसे पहले समझेंगे की unseen passage kya hota hai फिर जानेंगे की unseen passage ko kaise solve kare और अंत में हम Examples के तौर पर कुछ महत्वपूर्ण Unseen Passage Exercises with Answers का भी अवलोकन करेंगे ताकि Unseen Passage पर आपका पकड़ और भी मजबूत हो जाए।
Unseen Passage for Class 10
Unseen Passage का हिन्दी अर्थ ‘अपठित गद्यांश’ होता है; इसका तात्पर्य गद्य के एक ऐसे छोटे से भाग से है जिसे आपने पहले कभी न पढ़ा हुआ हो।
आपके अंग्रेजी प्रश्न-पत्र में कुछ ऐसे पैराग्राफ दे दिए जाएंगे जो आपके बुक से नहीं होंगे और न ही आप उसे पहले कभी पढ़े होंगे। उसी पैराग्राफ से संबंधित उसके नीचे कुछ प्रश्न लिखे होंगे जिनका उत्तर आपको उस पैराग्राफ को पढ़कर देना होगा। नीचे दिए गए चित्र में आप Unseen Passage का एक Example देख सकते हैं।

कुछ इसी तरह के क्वेशन को हम लोग Unseen Passage या Comprehension Passage का नाम देते हैं। सामान्य तौर पर Class 10th English के बोर्ड एक्जाम में Unseen Passage से 10 नंबर के Questions पूछे जाते हैं। अर्थात अगर आप इसको अच्छे से तैयार कर लेते हैं तो 10 नंबर आपको बड़े आसानी से मिल जाएगा। ‘आसानी से मिल जाएगा’ मैं इसलिए कह रहा हूँ क्योंकि नीचे मैंने आपके लिए 8 ऐसे महत्वपूर्ण Points शेयर किए हैं जिन्हें ध्यान में रखकर अगर आप Unseen Passage को हल करते हैं तो निश्चित रूप से आप अच्छे मार्क्स स्कोर कर पाएंगे। तो चलिए समझते हैं की आखिर Unseen Passage को Solve कैसे करें?
Unseen Passage को कैसे Solve करें?
दिये हुए Unseen Passage को दो या तीन बार ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ना चाहिए। यदि कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ समझ में न आये तो घबड़ाने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। बार-बार पढ़कर उसका अर्थ जानने का प्रयत्न करना चाहिए। नीचे Unseen Passage ko kaise solve kare प्रश्न का जवाब 8 पॉइंट्स के रूप में दिया गया है-
- सर्वप्रथम गद्यांश के नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों को एक बार पढ़ लें।
- उसके बाद दिये गये गद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें। इससे Passage का मुख्य भाव समझने में मदद मिलेगी।
- गद्यांश को पढ़ते समय प्रश्नों के उत्तर मिलने पर पेन्सिल से चिह्न लगायें। इस प्रकार संभावित उत्तर मिल जायेंगे।
- अब चिन्हित उत्तर को कापी में भाव के अनुसार क्रमबद्ध तरीके से लिख लें।
- उत्तर सदैव उसी tense में लिखें जिसमें प्रश्न पूछा गया हो।
- प्रश्नों का उत्तर देते समय छात्र प्रायः खण्ड में दी गयी भाषा को ज्यों-का-त्यों रख देते हैं जो सर्वथा अनुचित है। आवश्यकतानुसार परिवर्तन करते हुए अपने शब्दों में उत्तर लिखने की कोशिश करें।
- उत्तर लिखने के बाद उसे पढ़कर दोहरा लेना चाहिए। ऐसा करने से Spelling, Repetition या Grammar से संबंधित गलतियाँ दिखाई दे जाती हैं।
- उत्तर सही और तर्क-संगत होने चाहिए।
Unseen Passage पर आधारित प्रश्न Practical (व्यावहारिक) होते हैं। जितना अधिक आप Unseen Passage का Exercises करेंगे उतना ही सरलता से उसे समझने का अभ्यास हो जायेगा।
अभ्यास करने के लिए नीचे कुछ Unseen Passage Exercises with Answers दिया जा रहा है जिन्हें पढ़कर आप अभ्यास कर सकते हैं।
Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Questions and Answers
स्टूडेंट्स जैसा की मैंने आपको बताया Unseen Passage पर आधारित प्रश्न व्यवहारिक होते हैं। ये कोई रटने वाला टॉपिक नहीं है। किसी भी तरह का Passage आपके बोर्ड परीक्षा में पूछा जा सकता है। इसका आप जितना अभ्यास किए रहेंगे उतना ही आपके लिए बेहतर होगा। इसीलिए आपके अभ्यास हेतु नीचे आठ Unseen Passage Class 10 with Answer दिया गया है। जिन्हें पढ़कर आप अपना Practice बड़े आसानी से कर सकते हैं।
Unseen Passage Solved Exercises
Unseen Passage Class 10 with Answer – Passage-1
Most of the girls belonging to poor families do not go to school in rural areas. When asked, their parents would say that they want their daughters to be educated. They stay at home because their parents believe that the kind of education on offer is not appropriate for their daughters, or because they feel the risks are too great. Those risks are real. Girls are sexually harassed sometimes by their fellow students, or teachers, or by strangers as they walk down to school. These pressures are central to low enrolment and retention of girls. Poverty also plays its part. If their clothes are torn, girls from poor families will stay at home. In such cases, they are forced by the demands of modesty and propriety.
Difficult Words: Appropriate = suitable (उपयुक्त), Harassed = teased (परेशान किया जाना), Central = chief (मुख्य), Enrolment = putting a person's name on list (भर्ती), Retention = act of holding (स्तम्भन), Modesty = being modest (लज्जा), Propriety = correct behaviour (औचित्य)।
Questions & Answers:
a. What role does poverty play in the education of girls?
Ans. Girls from poor families are forced to stay at home as they don’t have proper clothes to move out.
b. Give two reasons why the parents do not send their daughters to school though they want them to be educated?
Ans. First, they believe that the kind of education given is not suitable for their daughters. Second, they feel it is risky to send their daughters to schools.
c. Name the persons who cause harassment to the school going girls?
Ans. Fellow students, teachers and strangers cause harassment to the school going girls.
d. Which word in the passage means ‘keep in place’?
Ans. Retention
e. Give a suitable heading to the above passage.
Ans. ‘The Education of Girls’
Unseen Passage Class 10 with Answer – Passage-2
Buddha found that all men are unhappy-rich or poor. Wealth brings comfort, a fleeting fancy of joy, but no real happiness. While he was in this mood, he came across one of the saints who still performed penance far from the crowd. A passionate desire to do likewise took hold of Gautama. Just then the news was brought to him of his first born son. This is another ‘tie to break, said Gautama. He felt like a man whose house is on fire. At night he awoke in a great agony of spirit, went into the bright moonshine; mounted his horse and rode off into the wood. He met a holy hermit in the Vindhya mountains and talked to him but he was not satisfied. Then he went to the jungle with five disciples and there he gave himself up to fasting and penance. But it brought him no sense of truth. Then he gave up fasting and began to feed himself fully. He realised that truth may be reached best by nourished brain in a healthy body.
Difficult Words: Comfort = relief (आराम), Fleeting fancy of joy = imaginary happiness (काल्पनिक खुशियाँ), To come across = meet (मिलना), Saints = holy men (साधु), Performed = did (किया), Penance = repentance (प्रायश्चित), Agony = pain (दर्द), Hermit = a holy man (साधु), Disciples = students (शिष्य) Realised = felt (महसूस किया।)
Questions & Answers:
a. Buddha found out a very specific thing. What was that?
Ans. It was that all men are unhappy whether they are rich or poor.
b. What was the news provided to him, and how did he react to it?
Ans. The news provided to him was that a son was born to him. He called it another tie to break.
c. Why did Buddha ultimately give up fasting?
Ans. Buddha ultimately gave up fasting because he achieved no sense of truth.
d. Why did Buddha go to the jungle?
Ans. Buddha went to the jungle to seek the truth.
e. Give a suitable title to the above passage.
Ans. A suitable title is ‘Buddha’
f. Find a word in the passage which means ‘pain’
Ans. Agony
Unseen Passage Class 10 with Answer – Passage-3
Our ancestors had great difficulty in getting books. Now, our difficulty is what to read. There are books and books but our hours of reading are very few. Therefore, choice becomes essential. We should be very careful about what we read. There are books which poison our lives by suggesting evils. We should keep them at arm’s length.
We should read only those books which have stood the test of time. Such books are our great classics like the Ramayana and the Gita. They contain the wisdom of our sages and saints. They have appealed mankind from generation to generation. Reading of such books has ennobling influence on our mind and character. It gives us spiritual enjoyment. These books give us instruction with They represent our ancient culture. They set before us high ideals to follow. They are our best friends, best guides and the best treasure.
Difficult Words: Ancestors = forefathers (पूर्वज), Difficulty = problem (कठिनाई), Essential = necessary (आवश्यक), Poison = a substance that kills us (जहर), At arm's length = far away (दूर रखना), classics = books of high quality (उच्च आदर्शों की पुस्तकें), Contain = keep (रखना), Mankind = human being (मानव), Ennobling = make noble (महान बनाना), Instruction = advice (उपदेश), Ancient = old (प्राचीन)।
Questions & Answers:
a. What was the problem faced by our ancestors?
Ans. Our ancestors faced the problem of getting books.
b. “Now, our difficulty is what to read”. How can we overcome this difficulty?
Ans. We can overcome this difficulty by being careful about the choice of books.
c. Certain books have to be kept at arm’s length. Why?
Ans. Certain books have to be kept at arm’s length because they poison our lives by suggesting evil.
d. What is a classic?
Ans. Classic is a book which has stood the test of time.
e. Give a suitable title to the above passage.
Ans. A suitable title is, ‘Study of Classics’
f. Find a word in the passage which means ‘forefathers’
Ans. Ancestors
Unseen Passage Class 10 with Answer – Passage-4
The elephant is the only animal with a trunk. It uses its trunk in many ways. It pulls leaves of trees with its trunk and then puts them into its mouth. It can even use its trunk to get water. The trunk can hold a lot of water as an elephant needs to drink more than three pints of water everyday.
When an elephant is angry, its trunk can be dangerous. The tusks of an elephant are really its front teeth. People pay a lot of money for ivory of an elephant’s tusks. In Africa men have hunted elephants for their tusks. The ivory from tusks is made into many beautiful things. It has been easy for men to train elephants in Asia. They use elephants to carry heavy things for long distances.
Difficult Words: Trunk = long nose of the elephant (सूँड़), Hold = Contain (रखना), Dangerous = frightening (खतरनाक), Ivory = the teeth of the elephant (हाथी दाँत), Hunt = kill a prey (शिकार करना)।
Questions & Answers:
a. Mention the two important functions of an elephant’s trunk.
Ans. The two important functions of an elephant’s trunk are:
(i) pulling down leaves from trees.
(ii) to help the elephant drink water.
b. How does the elephant use his trunk when he is angry?
Ans. The elephant attacks his enemy with his trunk when he is angry.
c. Why do some people kill the elephants?
Ans. Some people kill the elephants for the sake of ivory.
d. Give the passage a suitable title.
Ans. The Elephant
e. Find the words in the passage which are the opposites of:
(i) push (ii) safe
Ans. (i) pull (ii) dangerous
Unseen Passage Class 10 with Answer – Passage-5
Mass copying in the examinations has reduced education to a joke. The lengthy courses of study and the system of annual examinations are the root causes of it. How is it possible for any human being to express honestly within three hours all that he has learnt in full one year? Naturally students are forord to cram certain things and copy others from some sources in the examination hall. Examinations, more or less in the form of class tests at the end of a quarter should be held. The result of a student should be determined by his performance round the year. The class teacher should be entrusted with this difficult task. He will have to riseabove petty task. He will have to rise above petty worldly considerations and must be brave and impartial. His role in this connection is very significant.
Difficult Words: Examination = परीक्षाएं, Education = शिक्षा, Honestly = ईमानदारी, Sources = स्रोत, Determine = निर्धारित करना।
Questions & Answers:
a. Why has education become a joke?
Ans. Education has become a joke because of copying.
b. Why are students forced to cram and copy?
Ans. The lengthy course of study and the system of annual examinations force students to cram and copy.
c. How should a student’s performance be determined?
Ans. A student’s performance should be determined by his work round the year.
d. What qualities are required of an examiner?
Ans. An examiner is required to be above petty considerations, brave and impartial.
e. Find a word in the passage which means “what is done?”
Ans. Performance
f. Give a suitable title to the above passage.
Ans. A suitable title is ‘Mass copying’
Unseen Passage Class 10 with Answer – Passage-6
Cell phones today have become such a necessity in everyone’s lives and whether cell phones should be allowed at school has become a much debated topic. Although there are quite a few advantages of bringing cell phones to school, the disadvantages of doing so surely outweigh them.
Allowing cell phones to school would be equivalent to giving an open invitation to distraction. This is because with so many apps and features in a single gadget, students are bound to be tempted to stay involved in them, hence deviating from the main objective of coming to school. Their concentration towards studies would deteriorate as they would be busy fiddling with their cell phones.
Teachers would also get distracted, as it is likely that the cell phones will ring during class, destroying the tempo and ambience of the entire class. Not only this, with a cell phone in everyone’s hands, there would naturally be unhealthy competition to see who has got the latest model and the hottest brand. This would only increase the worries and expenditure of parents as every student would pester their parents to buy them new cell phones. Also it would make students with outdated cell phones be a victim of an inferiority complex. Worse still, it may also create a barrier or cell phone- fuelled class difference’ among students as cell phone models and brands are now considered a status symbol.
Bringing cell phones to school would also create opportunities for theft. With expensive cell phones in every other person’s bag, anyone could steal a cell phone, disrupting discipline and making school a very unsafe place.
Many people argue that a cell phone allows parents to stay in touch with their children and remain informed about their whereabouts and anything that they need to. This, however, is also possible without a cell phone, as schools have phones and any important information can be conveyed through the school authorities.
Furthermore, cell phones can be seen as a means employed by students for cheating during examinations. They can simply text anyone and ask for assistance. Not only this, it can give rise to after school gang activities and be misused in many ways, like making prank calls just for fun. This can lead to serious consequences and cause unnecessary panic as well as waste time.
The aforementioned points clearly establish the fact that the reasons for not allowing cell phones in schools are based on clear reservations and not on flimsy grounds, hence cell phones should not be allowed at schools.
Difficult Words: features = विशेषताएं, entire = सम्पूर्ण, discipline = अनुशासन, argue = तर्क करना, information = सूचना, waste time = समय बर्बाद करना, unnecessary = अनावश्यक, Serious consequences = गंभीर परिणाम।
Questions & Answers:
a. If cell phone allowed into school, how would cell phones prove to be a distraction for students?
Ans. Cell phones would prove to be a distraction because with so many apps and facilities in a single gadget, students are bound to be tempted to use them. Their concentration towards studies would weaken as they would be busy fiddling with their cell phones instead of concentrating in class.
b. What kind of effect would cell phones have in the classroom? What would be the prime focus of students then?
Ans. Students would not be focused in class as they would find themselves distracted by their phones and the teachers would also be disturbed as it is highly likely that cell phones would ring during class and ruin the flow and tempo of a lecture.
c. How would allowing cell phones into educational setups lead to criminal offences?
Ans. Allowing cell phones to class could also tempt some students to steal, disrupting discipline. It could give rise to misuse like cheating and prank calls. Gang activities after school could also be one side-effect of students having phones at their disposal in school.
d. What conclusion is made about the inclusion of cell phones in schools? Does the writer support the idea?
Ans. The writer does not support the inclusion of cell phones in schools as he mentions that it would only have negative consequences and lead to a waste of time.
e. Pick out the words from the passage which mean the same as:
(a) deliberated
(b) obstruction
(c) place where someone or something is
(d) outcome
Pick out the appropriate option which mean the same as the following words used in the unseen passage:
(a) outweigh
(i) outbalance
(ii) compensate
(iii) produce
(iv) priority
(b) pester
(i) annoy
(ii) plague
(iii) pestilence
(iv) ask
(c) reservations
(i) bookings
(ii) resolutions
(iii) qualifications
(iv) assurances
(d) flimsy
(i) fragile
(ii) frail
(iii) weak
(iv) insubstantial
Ans. (a) debated
(b) barrier
(c) whereabouts
(d) consequences
(a) (i) outbalance
(b) (i) annoy
(c) (iii) qualifications
(d) (iii) weak
Unseen Passage Class 10 with Answer – Passage-7
In India, the joint family system has been in existence since ancient times. However, with the passage of time, the joint family system has disintegrated, giving rise to the nuclear family system.
A joint family is considered bigger compared to a nuclear family because a joint family includes grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and in-laws, aside from the typical mother, father, and children. Nuclear families normally consist of two parents and the number of children. When you ask older people, many prefer the joint family, as grandparents help the parents take care of the children. The need to employ a babysitter or nanny to look after the little ones when the parents are working is not necessary in joint families.
On the other hand, there are many who prefer a nuclear family. One of the reasons that a nuclear family is ideal to them is because there are less issues happening within the household compared to a joint one which has many personalities that one would need to get along with.
A nuclear family has many advantages. In a nuclear family, the mother is able to look after the needs of her children well. She can take care of their personal needs in a much better way than she could in a joint family. The family earns, spends and saves money for itself. Parents can invest money for the education of their children. They can put them into good schools and provide them with better career opportunities. They can understand one another well. Joint family systems cannot ensure that children would get individual attention. The womenfolk never find time to look after their children for they remain busy in the household work. Children are not educated much as they usually join the family occupation. The womenfolk face many restrictions and the chances of disharmony are higher because of the size of the family.
A nuclear family has its disadvantages too. Due to the high cost of living in cities, both the parents pursue a career of their own. This may leave the children unguided. They find no one for advice or discussion. They spend their childhood without the much needed love and company of their parents. Infants spend their time in crèches. Overcrowded, poorly ventilated buildings and apathetic staff of the crèches have a negative influence on the well-being of children.
The media is somewhat responsible for the disintegration of the joint-family system. It often portrays the mother-in-law as a threat to the well-being of the young bride. In some movies, she is shown to influence her son against the young bride. Many of the serials in television portray the negative aspect of elders. Newspapers also report about gruesome acts committed in some families. The foreign media has instilled western liberal views in the youth. All these factors curb the development of the family as a close knit unit.
However, the advantages of the joint family system outweigh the disadvantages. In the cycle of life, one will certainly reach old age and one will face the same problems as one’s parents or grandparents. So, the elders should not be deprived of the love and care of their near and dear ones. But again, it is upto the younger generation to decide.
Difficult Words: joint family = संयुक्त परिवार, existence = अस्तित्व, ancient times = प्राचीन समय में, disintegrated = विखण्डित, nuclear family = एकाकी परिवार, advantages = लाभ, attention = ध्यान, occupation = व्यवसाय।
Questions & Answers:
a. What has led to the disintegration of the joint family?
Ans. The emergence of the nuclear family over time has led to the disintegration of the joint family.
b. Differentiate between a nuclear family and a joint one.
Ans. A joint family is larger in comparison to a nuclear one because a joint family would include grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and in-laws, aside from the typical mother, father, and children. Nuclear families on the other hand usually consist of two parents and the number of children they might have.
c. Compare and contrast one advantage and disadvantage of the two types of families as discussed in the passage.
Ans. In a nuclear set up, the mother is able to cater to the needs of her children better than in a joint one and children are able to receive individual attention which cannot be assured in a joint family. A disadvantage of a nuclear family is that usually both parents are working so they may have to leave children in the hands of insensitive nannies or in crèches whereas in a joint family children can always be left in the care of the grandparents who would take better care and be a more positive influence.
d. Which family system is considered more suitable? What does the younger generation need to decide?
Ans. The joint family set up is considered a better choice because the same children who live away from their old parents and grandparents not only deprive them of love, care and support but also don’t realize that they would also one day grow old and face similar situations. So the younger generation needs to decide whether they are willing to adjust in a joint family.
e. Pick out the words from the passage which mean the same as:
(a) lost unity
(b) chances
(c) shockingly repellent
(d) day care nursery
Pick out the appropriate option which means the same as the following words as used in the unseen passage:
(a) occupation
(i) work
(1i) busy
(iii) job
(iv) distraction
(b) apathetic
(i) sympathetic
(ii) enthusiastic
(iii) different
(iv) insensitive
(c) portray
(i) depict
(ii) impersonate
(iii) describe
(iv) present
(d) deprived
(ii) stripped
(ii) underprivileged
(iv) disadvantaged
Ans. (a) disintegrated
(b) opportunities
(c) gruesome
(d) crèches
(a) (iii) Job
(b) (iv) insensitive
(c) (i) depict
(d) (ii) stripped
Unseen Passage Class 10 with Answer – Passage-8
A conversation skill is one which many of us now seem to lack However, one can easily learn this dying art, A monologue, in either direction, is not conversation. One needs to achieve a balance between talking and listening.
This is where social media makes life difficult. We’re used to broadcasting our views, and then responding if others comment. That can feel like the start of a conversation but, when you’re face to face, it’s not polite to start by broadcasting your views. Although most people can hold a conversation, only a few are smooth and charismatic when they talk. Smiling and being nice will take you a long way in conversational terms. Everyone prefers having a conversation with someone friendly and pleasant.
Conversation is also a way to explore whether you wish to know someone better and build a relationship with them. It can therefore be useful to understand how to use conversation to create and build emotional connections.
It’s very rare to meet a person who is comfortable talking about their emotions and how certain things make them feel, with strangers. Yet this way of talking is a real virtue. Don’t just present facts as you’re not a newspaper. Express your feelings about those facts instead. Keep in mind that it is at the emotional level that people connect best. That means being prepared to be open about what interests you, what makes you into ‘you’ as a person, is effective in inspiring the other person to share too.
If you are interested in others, and in the world around you, you will be interesting to talk to.
That, in turn, will make conversations flow and create a rapport because you will genuinely want to know about the other person and be able to contribute to the conversation from your own interest in the world. On the other hand, if you take no interest in anything except yourself, you will be quite dull and people will not be keen to have any conversations with you.
Anybody can talk about the news or express basic opinions. But good talkers can frequently tell you things you didn’t know and that you’ll find fascinating. This is why it’s good to have knowledge in fields such as psychology or sociology, and bring such knowledge out at the right moments in a conversation. Constantly develop your vocabulary and practice communicating as accurately as possible. It will help you develop a way with words and allow you to express yourself more easily.
Difficult Words: conversation = बातचीत, enjoyable = आनन्ददायक, face to face = आमने-सामने, world around = विश्व के चारों ओर, Psychology = मनोविज्ञान, vocabulary = शब्द-भण्डार।
Questions & Answers:
a. What are the basic needs of good conversation?
Ans. The basic need of good conversation is to learn to create a balance between listening and speaking. Being nice, pleasant and friendly go a long way in making good conversation.
b. What should be avoided in good conversation?
Ans. Taking no interest in anything except oneself will make one quite dull and people will not be keen to converse with such a person.
c. How can conversation be made effective?
Ans. Being prepared to be open about what interests you, while allowing people to see you as who you really are, is effective in making good conversation and inspires the other person to share too.
d. What role does vocabulary play in honing one’s conversation skills?
Ans. A continuous and conscious effort to improve vocabulary would help develop a way with words and allow people to express themselves easily and more accurately.
e. Find words from the passage that are the opposites of:
(i) destructive
(ii) vice
(iii) fiction
(iv) cheerful
Pick out the words from the passage which mean the same as:
(a) lack
(i) be without
(ii) miss
(iii) devoid
(iv) empty
(b) charismatic
(i) pleasing
(i) cute
(iii) glossy
(iv) magnetically attractive
(c) keen
(ii) anxious
(iii) perceptive
(iv) intense
(d) accurately
(ii) exactly
(iii) truthfully
(iv) factual
Ans. (a) constructive
(b) virtue
(c) fact
(d) dull
(a) (i) be without
(b) (iv) magnetically attractive
(c) (ii) anxious
(d) (ii) exactly
Unseen Passage क्या होता है?
Unseen Passage का हिन्दी अर्थ ‘अपठित गद्यांश’ होता है; इसका तात्पर्य गद्य के एक ऐसे छोटे से भाग से है जिसे आपने पहले कभी न पढ़ा हुआ हो।
What is an unseen passage?
Unseen Passage refers to a small piece of prose that you have never read before.
आज आपने क्या सीखा।
तो स्टूडेंट ये था Class 10 english grammar chapter 1 या फिर यूँ कहें की Unseen Passage for Class 10 की पूरी जानकारी। जिसके अंतर्गत हमने Unseen Passage kya hota hai, Unseen Passage ko kaise solve kare के साथ-साथ Unseen Passage Exercises with Answers को भी समझा।
स्टूडेंट मेरी हमेशा से यही कोशिश रहती है की आप जिस भी टॉपिक के बारे में खोज रहे हैं उससे सम्बन्धित आपको पूरी जानकारी दी जाए ताकि आपको किसी दूसरे साइट पर न जाना पड़े, इससे आप इंटरनेट पर भटकने से बचेंगे और आपके कीमती समय का बचत भी होगा।
वैसे आपको Khulkar Seekhen(खुलकर सीखें) का ये पोस्ट Unseen Passage for Class 10 कैसा लगा मुझे नीचे कमेंट करके जरूर बताएं और अगर आपका इस पोस्ट से सम्बंधित कोई सवाल या सुझाव है तो उसको भी आप हमें कमेंट के माध्यम से बता सकते हैं।
अगर आपको लगता है की ये पोस्ट Unseen Passage for Class 10 आपके दोस्तों के लिए भी हेल्पफुल हो सकता है तो नीचे दिए गए व्हाट्सप्प बटन पर क्लिक करके उन्हें भी जरूर शेयर कीजिये। धन्यवाद!