Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 Question Answer Up Board | NCERT English Hornbill Prose Chapter 3

इस ब्लॉगपोस्ट Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 Question Answer Up Board में हम Up Board Class 11 NCERT English Hornbill Prose Chapter 3 Questions and Answers को करेंगे।

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Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 Question Answer Up Board

तो स्टूडेंट्स, ये पोस्ट Class 11 NCERT English Hornbill Prose Chapter 3 ka full Solution या फिर यूँ कहें कि Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 ka Full Solution होने वाला है इसलिए इसे पूरा ध्यान से जरूर पढ़ें। लेकिन Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 Question Answer Up Board देखने से पहले मैं चाहूँगा कि आप पहले Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Hindi Explanation जरूर पढ़ लें ताकि इसके प्रश्नोत्तर समझने में आपको आसानी हो।


परीक्षोपयोगी प्रश्न

Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 Reference to Context

तो चलिए Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 Reference to Context Questions के साथ Solution आरम्भ करते हैं। नीचे इस चैप्टर के Exam Oriented Questions में दिए गए सभी Paragraph के Reference to the Context Questions Answers दिए गए हैं। ये सभी Passage, Up Board Class 11 के NCERT Based English Book से लिए गए हैं।

[A] Explanations

Explain with reference to the context of the following passages:

(1) All afternoon………………………….really true.
Reference: The above passage has been taken from the lesson ‘Discovering Tut The Saga Continues’ which is written by ‘A.R. Williams’.
Context: This event is set in the Valley of the Kings, where tourists come to pay homage to King Tutankhamun, pondering over his life, untimely death, and the rumors of a curse upon those who disturb his resting place.

Explanation: In this passage, the author highlights the mystery and fascination surrounding King Tut’s tomb, focusing on the eerie atmosphere as tourists quietly wonder if the curse of the pharaoh is real. The curse was believed to bring bad luck or death to those who disturbed the mummy.

(2) The sun can……………………………remains.”
Reference: The above passage has been taken from the lesson ‘Discovering Tut The Saga Continues’ which is written by ‘A.R. Williams’.
Context: In this passage, the author describes the method used by Howard Carter in the 1920s when he discovered Tut’s tomb. He struggled to separate Tut’s mummy from the solid gold coffin due to the hardened resins.

Explanation: Despite the intense heat, which reached 149 degrees Fahrenheit, Carter was unable to loosen the resins. As a result, he had no choice but to chisel the mummy free. This demonstrates the extreme conditions under which archaeologists worked and the challenges they faced in preserving ancient artifacts.

(3) King Tut’s demise………………………unclear.
Reference: The above passage has been taken from the lesson ‘Discovering Tut The Saga Continues’ which is written by ‘A.R. Williams’.
Context: This paragraph refers to the mysterious death of King Tutankhamun, the last of his family’s line.

Explanation: The paragraph sets up the intrigue surrounding King Tut’s death. Even after extensive research and medical technology, the circumstances of his death are still debated. His demise is significant not only because he was a young ruler but also because it marked the end of an era in Egyptian history.

(4) A CT machine………………………………so long.
Reference: The above passage has been taken from the lesson ‘Discovering Tut The Saga Continues’ which is written by ‘A.R. Williams’.
Context: In this passage, the author describes about the use of modern medical technology, specifically a CT scanner, to examine King Tut’s remains in detail.

Explanation: The use of a CT scan symbolizes the advancement in archaeological methods. It allowed scientists to analyze Tut’s body in unprecedented detail, revealing intricate structures such as his skull and ribs. This technology gave researchers a clearer picture of the physical state of the mummy without causing further damage to the remains. The paragraph also touches on the challenges faced during the scanning process due to the harsh desert environment.

Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 Short Answer Type Questions

स्टूडेंट, नीचे Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 Short Answer या फिर यूँ कहें की Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Short Question Answer दिया गया है। ये सभी Short Answer Type Questions, Up Board Class 11 के NCERT Based English Book से लिए गए हैं।

[B] Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. How was the atmosphere when Tut’s body was taken far C.T. scan? (जब टुट की बॉडी को सीटी स्कैन के लिए ले जाया गया, तब वातावरण कैसा था?)
Ans. The atmosphere when Tut’s body was taken for the CT scan was eerie and tense. (जब टुट की बॉडी को सीटी स्कैन के लिए ले जाया गया, तब वातावरण काफी डरावना और रहस्यमय था।)

Q.2. What were the things buried with tut’s mummy? and why? (टूट की ममी के साथ कौन सी वस्तुएं दफनाई गई थी? और क्यों?)
Ans. King Tut’s mummy was buried with a variety of items, including both valuable treasures and everyday objects because the ancient Egyptians believed that these things will be accompany him in the afterlife. (राजा तुत की ममी को विभिन्न वस्तुओं के साथ दफनाया गया था, जिनमें बहुमूल्य खजाने और रोजमर्रा की वस्तुएं शामिल थीं, क्योंकि प्राचीन मिस्रवासियों का मानना ​​था कि ये चीजें मृत्यु के बाद भी उनके साथ रहेंगी।)

Q.3. What is the Pharoah’s curse? (फेरो का अभिशाप क्या है?)
Ans. The Pharaoh’s curse refers to the belief that anyone who disturbs the tomb of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, especially King Tutankhamun, will face bad luck, illness, or even death. (फेरो का अभिशाप उस विश्वास को संदर्भित करता है कि जो कोई भी प्राचीन मिस्र के फिरौन, विशेष रूप से राजा तूतनखामुन की कब्र को नुकसान पहुंचाएगा, उसे दुर्भाग्य, बीमारी या यहां तक ​​कि मृत्यु का सामना करना पड़ेगा।)

Q.4. Who is Zahi Hawass? (ज़ही हवास कौन है?)
Ans. Zahi Hawass is a prominent Egyptian archaeologist and Egyptologist who played a key role in overseeing the CT scan of King Tut’s mummy in 2005. (ज़ाही हवास एक प्रमुख मिस्र के पुरातत्वविद् और मिस्रविज्ञानी हैं, जिन्होंने 2005 में राजा तुत की ममी के सीटी स्कैन की देखरेख में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई थी।)

Q.5. Which questions still linger about Tut? (टुट के विषय में कौन-से प्रश्न अभी भी घूमते हैं?)
Ans. The two main questions that still linger about King Tutankhamun are: How did King Tut die? & How old was King Tut at the time of his death? (राजा तूतनखामुन के बारे में दो मुख्य प्रश्न अभी भी बने हुए हैं: राजा तुत की मृत्यु कैसे हुई? और अपनी मृत्यु के समय राजा तुत की आयु कितनी थी?)

Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 Long Answer Type Questions

स्टूडेंट, नीचे Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 Long Answer या फिर यूँ कहें की Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Long Question Answer दिया गया है। ये दोनों Long Answer Type Questions, Up Board Class 11 के NCERT Based English Book से लिए गए हैं।

[C] Long Answer Type Questions

Q.1. Why did Tut’s body have to undergo a C.T. scan? What results did it yield? (टूट के शरीर को सिटी स्कैन के लिए क्यों ले जाया गया? इसका क्या परिणाम निकले?)
Ans. Tut’s body had to undergo a C.T. scan to uncover new clues about his life and death. The result of the C.T. scan was that it provided detailed images of his body, which help to answer lingering questions about how he died and his age at the time of death. (टुट के शरीर का सी.टी. स्कैन किया गया ताकि उसके जीवन और मृत्यु के बारे में नए सुराग मिल सकें। सी.टी. स्कैन के परिणामस्वरूप उसके शरीर की विस्तृत तस्वीरें प्राप्त हुईं, जिससे उसकी मृत्यु कैसे हुई और मृत्यु के समय उसकी आयु के बारे में सवालों के जवाब मिल सके।)

Q.2. Give a short account of exploration of Tut’s mummy? (टूट की ममी की खोज का संक्षिप्त लेखा दीजिए)
Ans. The exploration of Tut’s mummy began in 1922 when British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. Inside, Tut’s mummy was found in three nested coffins, with the final coffin made of solid gold. However, Carter faced difficulty removing the mummy because the resins used in embalming had hardened, cementing it to the coffin. In later years, Tut’s mummy underwent several investigations, including an X-ray in 1968 that revealed missing ribs and breastbone. In 2005, a CT scan was performed to gain more detailed information. This scan provided clear, three-dimensional images of his body, helping to uncover new clues about his health, injuries, and the mysterious circumstances of his death​. (टुट की ममी की खोज 1922 में शुरू हुई जब ब्रिटिश पुरातत्वविद् हॉवर्ड कार्टर ने मिस्र की किंग्स की घाटी में मकबरे की खोज की। अंदर, टुट की ममी तीन नेस्टेड ताबूतों में पाई गई, जिसमें अंतिम ताबूत ठोस सोने से बना था। हालांकि, कार्टर को ममी को हटाने में कठिनाई का सामना करना पड़ा क्योंकि शव को संरक्षित करने में इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले रेजिन सख्त हो गए थे, जिससे यह ताबूत से चिपक गया था। बाद के वर्षों में, टुट की ममी की कई जांच की गई, जिसमें 1968 में एक एक्स-रे भी शामिल था जिसमें पसलियों और ब्रेस्टबोन के गायब होने का पता चला। 2005 में, अधिक विस्तृत जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए एक सीटी स्कैन किया गया था। इस स्कैन ने उनके शरीर की स्पष्ट, त्रि-आयामी छवियां प्रदान कीं, जिससे उनके स्वास्थ्य, चोटों और उनकी मृत्यु की रहस्यमय परिस्थितियों के बारे में नए सुरागों को उजागर करने में मदद मिली।)

Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 MCQs

नीचे Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 MCQ या फिर यूँ कहें की Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Multiple Choice Questions दिया गया है। ये सभी MCQs, Up Board Class 11 के NCERT Based English Book से लिए गए हैं। सही उत्तर को Bold italic कर दिया गया है।

Q.1. He was just a………….when he died.
(i) ten years old
(ii) teenager
(iii) young
(iv) old

Q.2. The mummy is in very……………….condition.
(i) bad
(ii) good
(iii) strage
(iv) worse

Q.3. He was the…………….of his family line.
(i) first
(ii) second
(iii) third
(iv) last

Q.4. An angry……………….stirred up ghostly.
(i) bull
(ii) wind
(iii) fire
(iv) man


Who is the writer of Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11?

A.R. Williams

What is the theme of Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues class 11?

The theme of “Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues” revolves around mystery, discovery, and the blending of science with history.

What is the summary of Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues?

The chapter portrays the ongoing efforts to decode the secrets of King Tut’s life and death, using modern technology to understand the past while respecting the cultural and historical significance of his burial.

Jalandhar Paswan is pursuing Master's in Computer Applications at MMMUT Campus. He is Blogger & YouTuber by the choice and a tech-savvy by the habit.

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