My Mother at Sixty-six Central Idea, Reference Context Explanation

आज के इस ब्लॉगपोस्ट My Mother at Sixty-six Central Idea, Reference Context Explanation में हम Class 12 NCERT English Flamingo Poetry Chapter 1 के Exam Oriented Questions पढ़ने जा रहे हैं। हम सबसे पहले इस चैप्टर का Reference to Context Explanation फिर Central Idea उसके बाद Difficult Words Meaning का अध्ययन करेंगे।

My Mother at Sixty-six Reference Context Explanation

ये पोस्ट Class 12 NCERT English Flamingo Poetry Chapter 1 ka Full Solution होने वाला है। मैं चाहूँगा की अगर आपने अभी तक My Mother at Sixty six ka Summary नहीं पढ़ा है तो जरूर पढ़ लें; क्योंकि इससे आपको इस चैप्टर को समझने में काफी मदद मिलेगी।

तो चलिए My Mother at Sixty-six Class 12 Reference to Context के साथ Solution शुरू करते हैं। नीचे इस चैप्टर के सभी Stanza के Reference, Context, Explanation दिए गए हैं।

[1] Driving from my parent’s
home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother,
beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face
ashen like that
of a corpse

Reference: The above stanza has been taken from the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ which is composed by ‘Kamala Das’.
Context: In this stanza, the poet expresses her emotions while travelling with her mother from her home to Cochin airport.

Explanation: The poet notices her ageing mother sleeping beside her in the car. Her face is pale, lifeless, and open-mouthed, resembling a corpse. This imagery reflects frailty, old age, and the inevitability of death. The poet is deeply pained by this sight, as it reminds her that her mother is growing old and fragile.

[2] and realised with
that she was as old as she
looked but soon
put that thought away,

Reference: As above.
Context: These lines express the poet’s sudden realization of her mother’s ageing during the journey.

Explanation: As the poet observes her mother’s weak, colourless face, she is struck with the painful truth that her mother is indeed old and weak. The thought of her mother’s mortality fills her with deep sorrow, but she quickly pushes away this distressing thought because she does not want to dwell on it. This shows her inner struggle to accept the reality of ageing and separation.

[3] and
looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes, but after the airport’s
security check, standing a few yards
away, I looked again at her,

Reference: As above.
Context: These lines show how the poet diverts her mind from the painful realization of her mother’s old age.

Explanation: To escape the painful thought of her mother’s ageing, the poet looks out of the window. She sees young trees rushing past (due to the car’s motion) and children playing happily. These vibrant images of life, energy, and youth contrast sharply with her mother’s weakness and stillness, emphasizing the difference between youth and old age. However, after reaching the airport and passing the security check, she once again looks at her mother, bringing back the painful emotions.

[4] wan, pale
as a late winter’s moon and felt that
familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,
but all I said was, see you soon,
all I did was smile and smile and

Reference: Same as above.
Context: These are the concluding lines of the poem, where the poet describes her mother’s face and her emotional response.

Explanation: At the airport, the poet looks at her mother from a distance. Her mother’s face appears wan (dull) and pale, like the late winter’s moon, symbolizing fragility, old age, and approaching death. The sight revives the poet’s childhood fear of losing her mother, a fear that has always haunted her. However, instead of expressing her sorrow, she forces a smile and repeatedly reassures her mother by saying “See you soon, Amma.” The poem ends on a poignant note, showing how the poet hides her pain behind a smile, trying to stay strong despite her deep emotional turmoil.

My Mother at Sixty-six Central Idea

The central idea of the poem revolves around the theme of ageing, the inevitable passage of time, and the fear of separation. The poet expresses her deep emotional attachment to her mother and her struggle to accept the reality of mortality. The poem beautifully portrays the universal truth that every child must eventually face—the fear of losing a loved one.

My Mother at Sixty-six Central Idea in Hindi

कविता का मुख्य विचार उम्र बढ़ने, समय के अपरिहार्य बीतने और अलग होने के डर के इर्द-गिर्द घूमता है। कवि अपनी माँ के प्रति अपने गहरे भावनात्मक लगाव और मृत्यु की वास्तविकता को स्वीकार करने के अपने संघर्ष को व्यक्त करती है। कविता उस सार्वभौमिक सत्य को खूबसूरती से चित्रित करती है जिसका सामना हर बच्चे को अंततः करना ही पड़ता है – किसी प्रियजन को खोने का डर।

My Mother at Sixty-six Difficult Words Meaning

besideby the side (बराबर में या किनारे)
dozehalf asleep (ऊँघना)
ashenvery pale (निस्तेज, रक्तहीन)
corpsedead body (लाश या शव)
realisedfelt (अनुभव किया)
sprintingracing fast (तेज दौड़ते हुए प्रतीत होना)
merryhappy (खुश)
spillingmoving out (बाहर निकलते हुए)
wanpale or colourless (पीला अथवा रंगहीन)
palefaded yellowish (पीलापन लिए धुंधला-सा रंग)
late winter’s moonsymbolising haziness (गुजरती शरद ऋतु का चंद्रमा)
familiarknown (जानी-पहचानी या परिचित)
achepain (दर्द, पीड़ा, व्यथा)

Jalandhar Paswan is pursuing Master's in Computer Applications at MMMUT Campus. He is Blogger & YouTuber by the choice and a tech-savvy by the habit.

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